Soccer Journal is the official publication of United Soccer Coaches and is one of the few magazines in the world produced exclusively for soccer coaches. As a member of United Soccer Coaches, you receive both physical copies and digital access to all issues published.
Soccer Journal
The training ground
The Training Ground, United Soccer Coaches’ exclusive online learning platform open to all members, provides level-specific training sessions, videos, webinars, and written content based on the latest trending topics in coaching.
Each issue contains technical and tactical articles, news and updates on important events, thoughts from opinion leaders in the sport, and features on the interesting people and issues of the game. United Soccer Coaches also publishes a Pre-Season Soccer Journal issue that offers over 175 age-appropriate training activities to use in your upcoming season.
Through The Training Ground, coaches will gain access to all United Soccer Coaches eLearning courses, career development resources, and learning materials, created by trusted coaches and industry leaders, covering topics like DEI, health and well-being, leadership, tactics, and many others. Through this state-of-the-art member benefit, coaches of all levels will experience a customized learning journey, allowing them to coach the modern athlete effectively.
An ever-changing platform, The Training Ground will have new resources uploaded monthly.