College Membership | Page 8

United Soccer Coaches has demonstrated a commitment to supporting our coaching membership that we need now more than ever. Strong DIII membership in United Soccer Coaches gives us a platform where our voices are heard, challenges recognized, and solutions created while strengthening our resolve to address the slow pace of NCAA change in policies that affect the quality of our student athletes’ experience.”

Aliceann Wilber, William Smith

Head Women’s Soccer Coach

Our coaches are facing unprecedented times, and our Director of College Programs is lobbying to pass transformational legislation that will ensure we advance the current collegiate model and position soccer at every level for success in the collegiate landscape. By registering for college services, we will support you and your coaches, recognize your students' amazing efforts on the field and in the classroom, and advocate for meaningful change that protects our coaches and players!

Our registration fees fund the important work of our Director of College Programs, this role serves as a key advocate for the game and this work is critical in lobbying for legislative support and sponsorship.  By engaging with our membership through this position, we help provide the platform necessary for men’s and women’s soccer to have a voice in rule changes and other aspects of the sport that we as coaches value. During the 2021-2022 Academic Year, our association provided support for the proposed NCAA Rules changes and collaborated with their committee. We successfully lobbied for the additional day of rest at NCAA championships for Division III men’s and women’s soccer. We have provided invaluable support and advocacy for the Division I men’s 21st Century Model, while engaging with Division I women on lifting new legislation for an expanded season model. Your commitment to register for college services is vital to positioning coaches to have a voice as we move forward in this new era of transformation, and the resources needed for the rankings, and awards committees.


Advocacy and Legislation

If you are interested in getting involved in the association and have a desire to give back, then our Coaches Communities are a great way to get your foot in the door and be apart of something bigger. Click here to learn more!