Youth Membership | Page 6


Through this unique United Soccer Coaches membership, your youth soccer organization and coaches receive exclusive access to a multitude of resources including Recreation Coach Memberships, annual convention registrations, and full United Soccer Coaches memberships for your leadership.

Youth Affiliate Program




Tier 1

The Classic Member Club is directed towards youth soccer organizations who are volunteer-based with minimal coaching education experience. By providing access to a suite of coaching education online courses, resources and benefits, you ensure your coaches receive the basic tools and education needed to keep the children engaged and excited!

Tier 2

The Premier Member Club Program is directed towards youth soccer organizations with a coaching staff of between five and twenty coaches. By providing access to a suite of coaching education online courses, resources and benefits, you ensure your staff feel supported, increasing your ability to retain and grow!

Tier 3

This level is directed towards youth soccer organizations with a competitive coaching staff of thirty or more. By providing access to a suite of coaching education online courses, resources and benefits, you ensure your staff feel supported while your club members benefit from an environment which focuses on learning at all levels!